When I was a little girl, I remember sitting in between my parents inside the sanctuary singing the old hymn Great Is Thy Faithfulness. I did not fully understand what I was singing as a young child, but now that I am grown, thinking about the faithfulness of God brings such perfect peace to my […]
22 Characteristics of a Good Mother in the Bible

Being a mother has been one of the most beautifully, difficult journeys of my life. I love it, but it can be draining and joyful all at once. Throughout each day, God has certainly used the good times and the hard times to refine my character and heart. Today on the blog, I am sharing […]
Powerful Birthday Prayers, Blessings and Wishes for Your Son from His Mom

On your son’s birthday, a mother’s heart often reflects upon the past years of joy and love and is filled with excitement for the coming year. God has so graciously given you this special gift, and each year of life is filled with beautiful milestones, blessings from God and growth in your son’s life. Birthdays […]
Words of Comfort and Scripture for Miscarriage

As I sit down to write this blog post, it has been almost six years since I found out I was pregnant with our second child, Quinn. From the moment I had that positive pregnancy test, my heart filled with so much love and joy towards this little life growing inside me, but my husband […]
12 Christian Valentine’s Day Ideas

Valentine’s Day is typically filled with Hallmark cards, Valentine’s exchanges, candy and roses. Often, God isn’t a typical thought in regards to this special day; however, Valentine’s Day can be such a fun holiday to use as a tool to point your children and others to Jesus. Today, I am going to share 12 Christian […]
10 Simple House Blessing Prayers

When my husband and I moved into our first home as a married couple, we knew that we wanted to pray together over our home. We had so many hopes and dreams for that home, but most importantly, we wanted God’s blessings and protection over us and our home as we used it for His […]
31 I Am Affirmations from the Bible

When my daughter was four years old, she was really struggling with separation anxiety as well as making friends at her little preschool. As I was praying and asking God for wisdom on what to do, He impressed it on my heart to remind her of who she was in His eyes. I sat down, […]
Top 24 Christmas Picture Books for Kids

I am a Christmas Picture book collector. There! I said it. I collect Christmas Picture books all year long, and I have an embarrassingly large amount of books. I will say though that I only buy the really good ones. I began collecting Christmas Picture books before I had my own children, and now I […]
3 Best Christian Christmas Traditions for Families

The wonders of Christmas time come with so much fun, excitement, hustle and bustle. Sometimes, we fill our entire month of December with “all things Christmas,” and I know for sure that I am always looking forward to all of the traditions for my family. The matching Christmas pjs, the holiday lights, the cookie decorating, […]
How To Help Siblings Get Along From a Biblical Perspective

When I was pregnant with my second child, my hope and prayer was that my children would be the best of friends despite an unplanned gap in their ages. Whenever I would share that hope and prayer out loud, well-meaning individuals would joke about sibling rivalry and how my prayers were useless because they were […]