About Me

Hi! I’m Alisa

That’s pronounced Lisa with an “A” in front of it. I am a Jesus follower, wife, mom of three and Pastor behind The Pastor Mom blog. My home is filled with Jesus, discipleship, diaper changes, good books, dance parties, messy floors, crafts, nourishing meals, laundry piles, homeschooling, all things clean living and legos…lots and lots of legos. 

Before I became a stay at home mom and blogger, I was a Children’s Pastor for over a decade as well as an Ordained Elder in the Church of the Nazarene. Teaching children all about Jesus and equipping parents with the resources and knowledge to make God the center of their home was my life’s passion; however, when my third child was born and I was in my first year of homeschooling my oldest, I felt God calling me to pivot my work in ministry to spend all of my time in my greatest mission field…in my home with my children. My passion now is to point my children to Jesus in mind, body and soul and watch how God uses them for His Kingdom. I have to be honest…although Motherhood is beautiful, it is a difficult journey that sanctifies you through and through. Some days I miss the mark on shepherding my children and I fail to live up to the mother God has called me to be; however, I am so grateful for God’s love and grace that He shows me every single day…especially the ones where I mess up. Motherhood is beautifully difficult, but God can work through our mistakes and successes to bring a beautiful relationship with Him into our homes.

Join me as I encourage you and equip you with resources to have a Christ-filled home through children’s discipleship, natural living, motherhood, family rhythms, education and more. Through each blog post, I will share with you all that I have learned in ministry, all that I am learning as a Christian mom and all the ways God is molding my heart to be the mother who reflects Him and seeks His joy in my home.