Table of Contents
- Why is it important as a Christian Family?
- What Bible verse is used to bless a house?
- What are the words for a house blessing?
- What is the best house blessing prayer?
- Prayer for House Protection
- Prayer for House Blessing
- Prayer to Bless the Door of the House
- Prayer for God’s Presence in Your House
- Prayer for Love in Your house
- Prayer for Protection of Your Family
- Prayer for Your Coming and Going
- Prayer for Guests in Your Home
- Prayer for Your Neighbors
- Prayer for Your House to be Used to Impact God’s Kingdom
When my husband and I moved into our first home as a married couple, we knew that we wanted to pray together over our home. We had so many hopes and dreams for that home, but most importantly, we wanted God’s blessings and protection over us and our home as we used it for His Kingdom. We are now six moves later over our 15 year marriage, and we still pray over each new home we move into. If you are moving into a new home or apartment or even if you have been in your home for awhile, read on as I share 10 Simple House Blessing Prayers that you can use today to pray for protection and blessings over your home.

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Why is it important as a Christian Family?
Prayer is a powerful thing that every Christian family should have at the center of their daily routines.
A while back, I heard Pastor Craig Groeschel from LifeChurch preach a sermon, and he said that “Prayer is never our last line of defense. It is our first line of defense.” This quote has stuck with me because, as Christian parents, prayer should never be an afterthought, but the first act we think of doing in positive, joyful and good times and in negative and difficult times.
Prayer is never our last line of defense. It is our first line of defense.
Craig Groeschel
There are so many people, situations and things to cover in prayer, like your children, and your home is most certainly something to cover in prayer.
Utilizing simple house blessing prayers for blessings and protection is such a beautiful way to invite God to be the center of your home. It is also a way to ask God to protect and bless all who come and go from your new or current home.

Related Content: Parents Prayer for Children: Why and How to Pray for Your Children
What Bible verse is used to bless a house?
If you are using scripture as a house blessing prayer over your home, then 2 Samuel 7:28-29 is a wonderful Bible verse to use to bless your home.
This verse says this:
“Sovereign Lord, you are God! Your covenant is trustworthy, and you have promised these good things to your servant. Now be pleased to bless the house of your servant, that it may continue forever in your sight; for you, Sovereign Lord, have spoken, and with your blessing the house of your servant will be blessed forever.”
What are the words for a house blessing?
The words for a house blessing would be to take the scripture above and turn it into a prayer for house blessings and protection.
Here is an example of a house blessing prayer based on 2 Samuel 7:28-29:
God, thank you so much for this home you have given us. We can fully trust that this home is a blessing of goodness from you. As devoted followers of you, please bless this home and keep it in your sight. Please use this home as a tool to impact your Kingdom, and bless everyone who comes and goes from this home. Amen.
Check out the below list for even more powerful and simple house blessing prayers.
What is the best house blessing prayer?
I have listed below 10 simple house blessing prayers. You can combine them into one large prayer, pick just a few or pray one per day over 10 days. However you decide to use these house blessing prayers, they are a perfect way to invite God into your home.

Prayer for House Protection
Oh God, we thank you so much for the blessing of this home. We pray that You, oh Lord, would be at the center of our home. We ask that you surround this home with a hedge of protection. May You be our shield to protect us from any attacks of the enemy, and may our love for You be deepened through Your presence in our home. We pray that You would give us strength to overcome any temptations from the enemy, and help us shine Your light. In your name, Amen.
Asking the Greatest Protector to protect your home from any attacks of the enemy is such a wise decision. I highly recommend doing this on a regular basis, but for sure, praying this house blessing prayer of protection as you move in.
Prayer for House Blessing
Heavenly Father, we are so thankful for this home that you have provided for us. We ask that You would richly bless this home and that Your presence would always be felt by all who come and go. Please fill each room with love, laughter, grace and beautiful memories. In Your mighty name, Amen!
We clearly see in 2 Samuel 7:28-29 that it is good for us to ask God for blessings upon our house. This would be a very simple house blessing prayer to pray when you first move into a new home or if you have lived in your home for years.
Prayer to Bless the Door of the House
God, we praise You for the gift of this home. We ask that every person who comes and goes through the doors of this house would have Your blessings upon them. We pray that inside these doors everyone would experience peace, safety, rest and love. And we pray that Your wisdom and guidance would go with everyone who leaves these doors. In your Heavenly name, Amen.
Crossing the doorway of your home should be something that is filled with peace and blessings, and asking God to bless the doors is such a beautiful way to invite God to be present on either side of the door.

Prayer for God’s Presence in Your House
Lord, we are so gracious to You for the blessing of this home. We ask that Your presence would fill each room of this home and that everyone would without a doubt feel Your presence and everlasting love. Lord, let this home be a place of refuge where everyone can find safety in the shadows of Your wings. We pray that this home would bring us closer to You and closer to each other. In Your name, Amen.
Inviting God to be present in your home can be the best house blessing prayer for any homeowner. This is a sure way to have a place of refuge where you can grow closer to the Lord.
Prayer for Love in Your house
Oh God, we know that you have given us this home and blessed us lavishly with this place of rest. We thank you so much for all the ways You have shown us Your love, and we ask that you would help us love each other like You love us. We pray that You would guide and strengthen us to show love that is patient, kind, peaceful, gentle, faithful and protective to everyone who enters this house. Help us to reflect Your light through our love. In Your mighty name, Amen.
The second greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself, and some of the best and often easiest “neighbors” you have to love is your family. Asking God to help you show love to your family is wise and fulfilling a command from Jesus.
Prayer for Protection of Your Family
Heavenly Father, thank you for our family that we get to share this home with. Thank you for your mighty hand of protection that has been and will continue to be upon us. We pray that You alone would protect our family inside and outside of our home. God, please guide our steps, protect our hearts and minds and strengthen us each day. Please help us to remain in You and be a reflection of Your light to all. Lord, we ask for wisdom and discernment to only allow influences into these doors that will draw us closer to You. In Your name, Amen.
Praying for God to protect your family as they come and go from your home is such a beautiful expression of love towards them. I highly recommend praying for their protection often.

Prayer for Your Coming and Going
Father God, we know that each day our family will come and go from this house. We ask that Your peace and blessings would be upon each one of us as we leave these doors. We pray that we would turn to You for wisdom, peace and love and that we would be a beautiful reflection of Your light and love to others. We ask that You would protect each one of us as we leave each day, and we pray that we would be refreshed by resting in You when we come home. In your wonderful name, Amen.
Almost every day, you or someone in your home will come and go from the doors of your home, and praying over their comings and goings can be such a gift towards others.
Prayer for Guests in Your Home
Heavenly Father, we thank you in advance for all of the guests who will stay at our home. We pray that You would give them safe traveling mercies to get here. We ask that You would help us to be the hands and feet of Jesus to our guests, and we pray that they would feel your presence while they are here. Give them peaceful rest each night and surround them with blessings as they leave. In Your name, Amen.
Not every home lends itself to having guests, but when it does, breaking bread with others can be a blessing to all. I hope that you have many opportunities to host guests in your home and that you will be able to share the gospel of Christ with them.
Prayer for Your Neighbors
Oh God, we thank you so much for the neighbors You have given us. We may not know them well yet, but we pray for opportunities to form a beautiful relationship with them. Give us the words and actions to shine Your light to them, and may they know we are followers of You by our love. God, give us patience if any conflicts arise and help us to seek reconciliation immediately. Help us to be neighbors who are a blessing. In Your powerful name, Amen.
I am an introvert so getting to know new people can be difficult for me; however, I LOVE going out of my way to get to know my neighbors. I see it as an opportunity to share Christ through my actions. I have had some difficult neighbors over the years, but I have never regretted getting to know them. I hope you see your neighbors as an opportunity not a bother

Prayer for Your House to be Used to Impact God’s Kingdom
Father God, thank you so much for this house. We acknowledge that it is a tool that can be used for Your Kingdom’s glory. We ask that You would impress upon us the ways we can use this home to be impactful for You. Help us to always hold this home with open hands and give us the desire to follow through with the dreams and vision You give us for this home. In Your name we pray, Amen.
God has mighty plans for you and your home. He might want you to lead a Bible study in your living room or use your kitchen to feed the youth in your neighborhood. Whatever His plans are, I encourage you to let God use your home to impact His Kingdom. Your walls will have beautiful stories to tell.
I hope this House blessing prayers blog post will be a blessing to you as you use it to pray over your home. Do you have any specific things you pray for over a new home or even your current home? I would love to hear about it. Leave me a comment below 😉
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What a beautiful reminder of God’s perfect love and protection over our family!
Thank you, Aaron. Glad you liked the post about our prayers 😉